September 19, 2024
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The first unmanned test flight, the TV-D1 Flight Test, for the Gaganyaan Mission has been postponed, according to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). ISRO Director General S. Somanath announced that the launch of the First Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-D1) for Gaganyaan has been delayed. The upcoming schedule will be released soon.

Somanath said that problems arose during the attempt to lift off because the engine activation did not take place on its normal trajectory. The vehicle is secure, he said, but further examination is required. The launch has been delayed because the computer in charge is being overly cautious. He then said, “We will fix it and schedule the launch soon.”

The mission’s original takeoff time of 8:00 AM from the first launch pad has been pushed back to 8:30 AM. A recent ISRO update noted, “The lift-off is rescheduled for 08:30 hrs. IST.” As of Friday night at 7 o’clock, the final 13 hours had begun.

The goal of the Test Vehicle D1 mission, which is a forerunner of the Gaganyaan program, is to successfully launch and recover a crew of three humans from a low-earth orbit of 400 kilometers for a three-day mission.

The development of key technologies, such as a human-rated launch vehicle for transporting the crew safely to space, a life support system to replicate Earth in space, crew emergency escape provisions, and evolving crew management aspects for training, recovering, and rehabilitating the crew, are essential preconditions for the Gaganyaan mission.


Source (ISRO) :

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